Innovative Natural Resource Solutions LLC (INRS) and Maine Distributed Power (MDP) are assisting businesses in seizing upon this opportunity by providing quantitatively vetted development scenarios. INRS and MDP perform this work through their Mill Development Model (MDM). The MDM breaks down the larger problem of mill development into more manageable challenges that could be defined, modeled, and then networked back into the larger mill redevelopment challenge in order to inform a decision. Each of these respective modules are a system of equations that either solve an optimization problem, constraint problem, or are defined variables that are informed by a mill site’s physical characteristics, local economy, and the needs of the owner/tenants.
Provided below is a questionnaire for manufacturing companies that are interested in developing a manufacturing operation on an industrial site. INRS and MDP will use the data from the questions below to create a company construct for your company. Your company construct, and the company constructs of other companies, will then be used as inputs for an MDM model of a particular retired mill site. The results of this modeling effort will be a probable development scenario for locating multiple synergetic businesses at the retired mill site. This information will also inform where else your company may be a good fit for co-location next to an existing mills site or power site with excess power or feedstock capacity.